What Space 
Do You Need?
An independent production company serving professional artists and arts organizations as they bring their work to the public.

Do You Need?

prox·e·mics [präkˈsēmiks] noun. The branch of knowledge that deals with the amount of space that people feel is necessary to set between themselves and others.


Proxemic Media accelerates the evolution of creative eco-systems in small to mid-size American cities. The organization develops critical content, processes, and resources for artists, arts administrators and audiences, working to strengthen communities one creative experience at a time. Ultimately, our work centers around closing the gap, the figurative amount of space between artists and their work, and between the public and artworks.


Even when projects are funded, the logistical support independent artists is far and few between. This lift does not have to be debilitating though.
Let’s talk! There are principles to producing in the 21st century that can help you navigate bringing your work to public audiences.